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90% of Words with Friends Games are Played in the Bathroom

By Casey Armstrong

Did you know that 90% of Words with Friends games are played in the bathroom? You ask: How does Casey know this? Is he a genius?

The answer is actually quite simple...yes! How did I uncover this between reading ESPN and checking Twitter? Well, I asked 9 of my friends and included myself in this extremely large data pool.

To make sure that I had diversity in my pool to spit out the most reliable data, I asked 4 males and 5 females. Of the 4 males, all 4 admitted to playing Words with Friends in the bathroom. Throw my yes in there, and we are 5 for 5. One of our participants even responded, "I didn't know I could even play WWF outside of my office bathroom?"

[Sidenote #1: WWF is what the cool kids call Words with Friends...or something like that.]

So, how did the 5 females respond to playing WWF in the bathroom? Glad you asked. One of them responded yes, three of them responded no, and one of them asked me if I really didn't have anything better to do with my time than bug her with trivial questions like that.

How did we get to 90% or 9 out of 10? I dug deep into that data and figured out that the one affirmative female answer played WWF in the bathroom, the three that said no were obviously lying to my face (via email, of course), and the other female probably didn't play WWF at all if she would use the word "trivial" in the same sentence as WWF, much less play in the bathroom.

Therefore, 90% of Words with Friends games are played in the bathroom.

Lastly, you ask: How does this have anything to do with online marketing? Why am I still reading this? I'm not sure. Maybe you should ask yourself that.

[Sidenote #2: Everything about this post may or may not be utter fiction, except for the quote from one of our respondents.]


So have you played Words with Friends in the bathroom? Don't lie. We're all friends here.