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How To Woo A Designer

In our Ultimate Guide to 99designs Contests, we thoroughly explained how to best execute a contest on99designs, along with tips that have worked best for us and insider feedback from 99designs designers. Below is an infographic by 99designs that explains how they believe you should woo a designer.

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According to the infographic, the biggest motivators are creativity followed by money. This is exactly in line with what Joanna Krenz-Kurowska told us in our Ultimate Guide to 99designs contest, along with clients knowing what they want, while being responsive as top client characteristics. On the same note, the biggest client challenges are lack of feedback and direction.

Unsurprisingly, the companies designers most want to work for include Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Coca-Cola, but those companies all are included on the list of logos designers most want to redesign.

The most attractive industries for designers were art and design and entertainment, which makes sense, but the worst industry was retail. I did not expect that, as ecommerce design can include much creativity.

The funniest aspect of the infographic breaks down the most interesting places designers have sourced clients with at a bar, at a wedding, and at a park taking the cake for me. Just like meeting new friends and finding new music, sometimes you stumble across future clients in the most interesting situations, such as blind dates, which my business partner can attest to.


How do you woo designers or developers for projects? Even better, what are some funny stories on where you have sourced clients for any type of project?

Thanks eVlad for the image. Here is our Embed Code Generator.